
sch search

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sch search为短语/超纲词汇
1. Both marriage and family involve long-term obligations and responsibility for shared care, not just the search of happiness, that hollow goal of the modern age.

2. They did not want to hinder the police in their search for fingerprints.

3. The search proved difficult,

4. Then, her composure regained, she was ready to set off with the porter´s assistance to search for any intruders who might still be lurking in her flat.

5. The discovery started scientists in many parts of the world on the search for new and better sulfas, and a number of them were found and perfected.

6. There he kept many animals to help in his own search.

7. The workmen cursed them, adding, "You devils ought to search our heads and not our pockets."

8. This step was taken in 1898 by Italian biologists, who provided the last missing link in man´s search for the cause of malaria.

9. The contemporary student who wants to fake a term paper does not have to search far.

10. The glory of burning passion may well have faded, and your love for your wife or husband may not be as exciting or satisfying as it once was, but going off in search of another love will not help your children.
